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Board of Directors
* Ms. Joan Abrams* Mr. Rahman Allah* Mr. James Burgess*James Hamilton*Mr. Adrian Perry * Mrs. Marilyn Turner, Treasurer* Mr. Samuel Love* Mr. Thomas Saunders;Chairman*Mr. Kenneth Simmons
* Mr. Tarrance Seals*Ms Judy Mason, Secretary

Mr. Kenneth Simmons, Chairman
A local-native resident, professional educator and former Principal of West Charlotte High School, our Chairman has performed outstanding service to our organization and community, not only within the public school system, but through sustained leadership in implementing all programs-projects of The Kushite Institute. While providing quality education to all students, he has focused also on those special unmet needs, including an infusion of our neglected Black culture, for African American students.
Unfortunately and like most heroes in our protracted liberation struggle, he has been subjected to professional persecution under a school system that claims, falsely, to be the "premier integrated system" in this nation. But, it is neither a "premier" system, nor is it "integrated," but minimally desegregated, with Blacks, 42 percent of the student population, being subordinated to a marginalized posture of dehumanization, as documented in The Crisis and Challenge of Black Mis-education in America (Foluke, 2001).



Ms. Aprella Bridges (L) at a 1998 Reception that she hosted at her home for The Kushite Institute in honor of Ms. Mamie Till-Mobley (R), Mother of the late Emmett Till, who was brutally murdered by White barbaric thugs in Mississippi in August, 1955. And this significant act of barbarism--one among over five thousand (statistically counted) lynching of Blacks in America--was a major impetus, in conjunction with the heroism of Ms. Rosa Parks, for the so-called "Black Revolution" in America, from 1955 to 1968--slightly over a decade where there was a doubling of the Black middle-class.
Ms Bridges, a professional Nurse (RN) and Medical Missionary to Africa (Kumasi, Ghana), serves also as Professional Assistant to Dr. Foluke, our Minister of Liberation-CEO. In this capacity, she maintains his schedule of speaking engagements-slide presentations, organizes and maintain files of tapes, both audio and video, and proof-reads books, articles and documents prior to public release. She also created and maintained the first web site for the Kushite Institute.
n 1998-99, Ms. Bridges also provided invaluable assistance to our CEO who served as Charlotte Coordinator--planning, fundraising, providing food, housing and transportation--for a year-long "Pilgrimage" of about 100 spiritually dedicated people, in a walking vigil from Boston, MA to South Africa--retracing the route of the slave trade, "to heal the history or racism," led nationally by Ms. Ingrid Askew and Sister Clare Carter.


"When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion"

--Kushite Proverb-


Know your heritage, .... Know your potential"


"Looking Back to Move Forward"


"From Ego to We go"


"The balancing of the land lies in Maat--truth, justice and righteousness"

--The Husia: Sacred Wisdom of ancient Egypt-___________


"Culture is the bed-rock, the final wall against which one leans one's back in a God-forsaken chaos"

--J. C. Powers, The Meaning of Culture--

"The balancing of the land lies in Ma'at--truth, justice and righteousness"

--The Husia: Sacred Wisdom of Ancient Egypt--