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The Kushite Institute for Wholistic Development is a private, Afro-centric, non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian (but spiritual) corporation, organized in Charlotte, North Carolina on May 1, 1997. Under the leadership of Minister (Dr.) Gyasi A. Foluke, this organization was named after the ancient Kushite people, a generic term for ancient Black societies-nations who gave birth to world civilization, including the first great civilization, dynastic Kemet (Egypt). A small Board of Directors governs the institute, with Mr. Kenneth Simmons, a professional educator-Principal, serving as Chairman. The purpose of The Institute is to promote wholistic--spirit, mind, body--development on both a personal and communal level, enhancing spiritual growth, social justice and more harmonious human relations in our society through multiple strategies or techniques: More specifically, The Institute will focus on any programs or projects to enhance its basic purpose, including the following projects: A. Community Education: (1) A continuing series of bi-weekly public forums, generally using 35mm slide or power-point presentations, oriented towards wholistic development. (2) A weekly television program on African American Culture,* beginning with ancient Kushite civilizations and continuing to the present era. Note: Check weekly schedule of Channel
21, Public Access Television Station, Charlotte, NC.**
(3) Supplemental Education for Public School Students, Prison Inmates. (4) Specifically requested seminars, lectures or spiritual messages for religious institutions and miscellaneous community organizations, with a special focus on the mental, cultural and economic health of the African-American community. B. Education Reform--An evaluation of public education, with a special focus on addressing special, unique needs of African-American students, including constructive change of the curriculum to embrace truth or Afro-centric perspectives as a counterbalance to Euro-centrism. (Ref: Link to CEO's Books.) C. Institution Building--Creating a African American institution, with independence and integrity, including the construction of a Pyramid for multiple uses -- a supplemental educational center and institutional site for The Kushite Institute. D. Community Mobilization--To promote better coordination, cooperation and united action among multiple organizations, civic leaders and churches through a coalition structure and proactive community agenda to enhance wholistic development. E. Educational Tours: To travel to Africa and observe-study, first-hand, the remnants of our great cultural heritage, in promoting "Seven Dimensions of Freedom"--as narrated in The Old Time Religion: A Wholistic Challenge to the Black Church (Foluke, 1997)--a book to be reconstructed after being stolen by a bankrupt publisher. ******************************************************************************************* *This project is made possible in part by a grant from the Community Cultural Connections Program of the Arts & Science Council--Charlotte/Mecklenburg, Inc. and the Grassroots Grant Program of the North Carolina Arts Council, a state agency." **See link to TV programs | |

"When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion"
--Kushite Proverb-
your heritage, .... Know your potential"
"Looking Back to Move Forward"
_________"From Ego to We go"
"The balancing of
the land lies in Maat--truth, justice and righteousness"
--The Husia: Sacred Wisdom
of ancient Egypt-___________