The official webpage of Dr. Gyasi Foluke. Below are descriptions of my current books in print!: _____________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCING ....THE SCOUNDREL SYNDROME: ESSAYS ON THE AFRICAN AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, 1995-2003, REVISITING THE REAL-HOLOCAUST © Gyasi A. Foluke In The Scoundrel Syndrome, I seek to promote communal-racial healing by confronting the perennial evil of White racism and its 400-year cumulative, ugly by-products--metaphorically the “scar” of racism--including Black “sedimentation” and “kneegroism” in America. Accordingly, I postulate that the ideology-practice of White racism has thrived and, to a lesser degree, continues to thrive, including the failure to correct historic injustices, because a plurality of voters either accept or embrace far too many scoundrels as their leaders—electing or appointing people apparently like themselves, i.e., whose values and viewpoints they share, too often based upon ignorance and/or greed. For scoundrels, a relative-subjective term, are perpetrators of evil (“Isfet” in the ancient African tradition) who, by definition, fail to “Do The Right Thing”—the title of a movie by Spike Lee. Accordingly and generally, in the context of a racist society, the so-called “good White people,” including genuine radicals and liberals--but excluding pseudo-liberals—are, most often, in the minority in America. Therefore, I posits that White racism has run amuck in America, under “an unholy alliance” with kneegroism, and often “hidden” under White nationalism and/or pseudo-patriotism, the latter as a very powerful, if not dominant ideology that has created-perpetuated our present “race mess.” For Blacks are a marginalized-“sedimentized“ out-group in society, being victimized continually by the “Roger B. Taney Syndrome”—relatively disrespected, devalued, circumscribed and stigmatized because of “race.” Additionally, I observe, that Blacks, as a group, psycho-spiritually, are “a population without a country”--devoid a “home” or national “belonging”-acceptance in America—a challenge to the Two Nations (1993) thesis of Professor Andrew Hacker. In essence, this book of fifty essays—including two by spiritually beautiful White writers--is an extension of my first book, The Real-Holocaust: A Wholistic Analysis of the African American Experience, 1441-1994 (1995), including about fifty years of my life-long work for wholistic--spirit, mind, body—development, with a special focus on Black liberation or “Seven Dimensions of Freedom.” Indeed, this book includes a series of inherently controversial essays, such as “Scoundrels in the Pulpit,” “The South Won the Civil War,” “Africans Not White Jews Wrote the Bible,” “Journey to Ghana” and an illustrated “Hall of Shame” of specifically identified scoundrels. And since The Scoundrel Syndrome is perceived as the major “demon,” underlying the chronic “race problem” in America, with deep roots in the “Secular Trinity” (money, power and sex), I believe that America can never become a more viable-healthy society, based upon “Maat”—truth, justice, balance, Divine order and righteousness—until it confronts and discards, honestly, its demonic scoundrel syndrome, including the bogeyman of racial “quotas.” I further advocate communal healing, through specific measures for Black self-help-mobilization and a governmental formula (federal, state and local) for “Contingency Reparations”—repairing incalculable, underestimated damages inflicted upon Black Americans that also has afflicted or racially poisoned the soul of this nation. Finally, I provide a brief narrative outline of his nontraditional Theology of Liberation, including three aspects-concepts of Jesus, that sometimes embraces and transcends traditional religions. I believe that we are Divinely challenged to promote a wholistic-prophetic mandate to “let justice run down as waters and righteousness as a mighty stream”--building the Kingdom of God “on earth, as in heaven.” Hotep (Peace)! The cost for this book is Soft cover: $24.95 Hard cover $29.95* Phone: 704 391 8505 E-mail:
“No one ever frees a slave; a slave must free himself.” --Martin Delaney—
© Gyasi A. Foluke,
a very timely, uncompromising book, confronts, head-on, the explosive
issue of race--"the great divide"--in America. Generally, suppressed by
the major media, it addresses the unique Black experience, from
1441-1995 (with Postscript), the present era of racial "sedimentation."
who control the education of our children control our future."
--Julius Nyerere--
perceptive and powerful book--over 330 pages and 35 illustrations--addresses,
head on, the protracted, ongoing
crisis and challenge of Black mis-education in America, with
a major focus on the secondary public school system. And the basic
premise of the author is that African people in America must gain
greater control over their education. For the present
system of mis-education, often imperceptibly, is destroying Black
students and, by extension, the Black community through "mentacide"-genocide
(Wright, 1985) that leads, inexorably or by definition, to the
elimination of Black ethnicity in America. Gye Nyame
(Ghana) Translation:
"When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion" ________ Know your heritage, .... Know your potential" "Looking Back to Move Forward" "From Ego to We go" _________ "The balancing of
the land lies in Maat--truth, justice and righteousness"
"Culture is the bed-rock, the final wall
against which one leans one's back in a God-forsaken chaos" "The balancing of the land lies in
Ma'at--truth, justice and righteousness" |