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The official webpage of Dr. Gyasi Foluke.
Below are descriptions of my current books in

© Gyasi A. Foluke
In The Scoundrel
Syndrome, I seek to promote communal-racial healing by confronting
the perennial evil of White racism and its 400-year cumulative, ugly
by-products--metaphorically the “scar” of racism--including Black
“sedimentation” and “kneegroism” in America. Accordingly, I postulate
that the ideology-practice of White racism has thrived and, to a lesser
degree, continues to thrive, including the failure to correct historic
injustices, because a plurality of voters either accept or embrace far
too many scoundrels as their leaders—electing or appointing people
apparently like themselves, i.e., whose values and viewpoints they
share, too often based upon ignorance and/or greed. For scoundrels, a
relative-subjective term, are perpetrators of evil (“Isfet” in the
ancient African tradition) who, by definition, fail to “Do The Right
Thing”—the title of a movie by Spike Lee. Accordingly and generally, in
the context of a racist society, the so-called “good White people,”
including genuine radicals and liberals--but excluding
pseudo-liberals—are, most often, in the minority in America. Therefore,
I posits that White racism has run amuck in America, under “an unholy
alliance” with kneegroism, and often “hidden” under White nationalism
and/or pseudo-patriotism, the latter as a very powerful, if not dominant
ideology that has created-perpetuated our present “race mess.” For
Blacks are a marginalized-“sedimentized“ out-group in society,
being victimized continually by the “Roger B. Taney Syndrome”—relatively
disrespected, devalued, circumscribed and stigmatized because of “race.”
Additionally, I observe, that Blacks, as a group,
psycho-spiritually, are “a population without a country”--devoid a
“home” or national “belonging”-acceptance in America—a challenge to the
Two Nations (1993) thesis of Professor Andrew Hacker.
In essence, this book of fifty
essays—including two by spiritually beautiful White writers--is an
extension of my first book, The Real-Holocaust: A Wholistic Analysis
of the African American Experience, 1441-1994 (1995), including
about fifty years of my life-long work for wholistic--spirit, mind,
body—development, with a special focus on Black liberation or “Seven
Dimensions of Freedom.” Indeed, this book includes a series of
inherently controversial essays, such as “Scoundrels in the Pulpit,”
“The South Won the Civil War,” “Africans Not White Jews Wrote the
Bible,” “Journey to Ghana” and an illustrated “Hall of Shame” of
specifically identified scoundrels. And since The Scoundrel Syndrome
is perceived as the major “demon,” underlying the chronic “race
problem” in America, with deep roots in the “Secular Trinity” (money,
power and sex), I believe that America can never become a more
viable-healthy society, based upon “Maat”—truth, justice, balance,
Divine order and righteousness—until it confronts and discards,
honestly, its demonic scoundrel syndrome, including the bogeyman
of racial “quotas.” I further advocate communal healing, through
specific measures for Black self-help-mobilization and a governmental
formula (federal, state and local) for “Contingency
Reparations”—repairing incalculable, underestimated damages inflicted
upon Black Americans that also has afflicted or racially poisoned the
soul of this nation.
Finally, I provide a brief narrative
outline of his nontraditional Theology of Liberation, including three
aspects-concepts of Jesus, that sometimes embraces and transcends
traditional religions. I believe that we are Divinely challenged to
promote a wholistic-prophetic mandate to “let justice run down as waters
and righteousness as a mighty stream”--building the Kingdom of God “on
earth, as in heaven.”
Hotep (Peace)!
The cost for this book is
Soft cover: $24.95 Hard cover
$29.95* Phone: 704 391 8505 E-mail:

“No one ever frees a slave; a slave must free himself.”
--Martin Delaney—

© Gyasi A. Foluke,
a very timely, uncompromising book, confronts, head-on, the explosive
issue of race--"the great divide"--in America. Generally, suppressed by
the major media, it addresses the unique Black experience, from
1441-1995 (with Postscript), the present era of racial "sedimentation."
A wholistic advocacy polemic (about 500 pages) on multiple topics, it
provides both perceptive analyses and prescriptions for remedial
action--organized under, or depicted as, "The Ghost of Thomas
Jefferson." The author, Gyasi A. Foluke (Jar-see Fo-low-key) argues that
the chronic race problem dividing this nation will never be resolved
until most Americans realize, and successfully confront, the
unprecedented damage--physical, mental, and emotional--oppression has
imposed upon African people and their progeny in America. He argues
further that oppression has created a fundamental schism between
Black and White Americans--the denial of genuine nationhood to Africans
in America who constitute, psycho-spiritually, "a population
without a country." Foluke bases his arguments on years of experience,
spiritual intuition and painstaking research. And he recommends wholism
or the promotion of spirit, mind and body, for all of our
citizens--including a "cooperative commonwealth" and a concept of
"contingency reparations" for African Americans--based upon ancient
African concepts of "Tehuti and Maat," connoting a well-ordered and
balanced society. The result is a theory of liberation and philosophy of
change crucial to the advocacy of justice during these confrontational
times. Civil rights activists, Black Studies majors and all others
interested in the capability of humankind to overcome obstacles to
achieve harmony, must not missThe
$24.95, plus S&H
To Order
Call or contact The Kushite Institute For Wholistic Development
Phone: 704 391-8505 E-mail: gflack@juno.com
"You do not teach an old
gorilla the path through the forest."
--African Proverb--
"Let me give you a word on the philosophy of reform. Where there is
no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom
and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up
the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightening; they want the
ocean without the awful roar of its water…Find out just what people will
submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and
wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until
they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits
of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those they oppress."
© Gyasi A. Foluke

who control the education of our children control our future."
--Julius Nyerere--

leaders can blather all day long about lifting America's educational
standards and performances, but the hard question centers on
government's willingness to equalize the underclass's resources. . .It
will take more than money to turn out an educated citizen, but the
current maldistribution of resources ensures the underclass's failure."
--Anthony Bouza--
"Those who do not treat you right cannot be expected to teach you
--Elijah Muhammad--
perceptive and powerful book--over 330 pages and 35 illustrations--addresses,
head on, the protracted, ongoing
crisis and challenge of Black mis-education in America, with
a major focus on the secondary public school system. And the basic
premise of the author is that African people in America must gain
greater control over their education. For the present
system of mis-education, often imperceptibly, is destroying Black
students and, by extension, the Black community through "mentacide"-genocide
(Wright, 1985) that leads, inexorably or by definition, to the
elimination of Black ethnicity in America.
After a brief historical overview of "education," beginning with chattel
slavery, the author examines the desegregation-"re-segregation" record
since the Brown decision of 1954. Accordingly, he reviews many
educational factors--test scores, the Euro-centric curriculum, student
"tracking," behavior violations, the predominance of White teachers and
related system features--in the context of alleged Black student
under-achievement under two ideological mindsets, the "system deficit"
and the "victim deficit" models. Subsequently, he analyzes multiple
underlying causes of alleged Black under-achievement--the critically
important "Polyglot Factor" or the failure to recognize the
uniqueness of "the Black experience" in developing educational
strategies, Black socioeconomic conditions, a racist political hierarchy
at all levels of government, unequal school funding, mis-educated Black
or "kneegro" professionals who become "paycheck slaves" (Porter, 1997),
inadequate professional development-training for teachers, especially in
relation to Black heritage-culture, low teacher-administrator
expectations, the misuse of drugs on students (including Ritalin) and
multiple other factors.
author also confronts the enormous damage caused by mis-education,
including a national "race mess," its major negative impact on Blacks
and on wholistic--spirit, mind, body--development in the larger
society. Accordingly, he examines such issues as the loss of
history-collective memory or identity, the internalization of White
racism, imitation of the oppressor, the "White savior complex," the
"illusion of inclusion," the "Willie Lynch Factor," "White dependence,"
and several "syndromes" that impact negatively upon us.

In a most powerful chapter, the author provides vivid testimony, by
professionals and students, on a FAILED system of mis-education. While
addressing the prevailing Euro-centric "testing mania," he also provides
a 60-question "Chitlin Test" on African American
History-Culture--challenging both teachers and administrators to pass
this Afro-centric test. Moreover, in the context of mis-education, he
confronts the prevailing, explosive issue of protracted racist
terrorism in the context of the September 11th attack on
America--providing a more balanced perspective on terrorism.
Finally, the author offers a "two-tract" strategy of recommendations,
including "Contingency Reparations" under the postulate that it is
impossible to "cure" public education in the absence of resolving the
"race mess" in society. On "track one"--system reform--he proposes a
synthesis of two failed system--the old segregated model and the
present "desegregated"-"re-segregated" model. And on "track two"--an
internal "cultural revolution"--he proposes MUCH greater "self-help"
within the Black America, including better use of existing institutions,
while building new
Bottom line: Blacks must take the lead in "overcoming" system
acculturation or marginalized-"sedimentation," as promoted
through public education, while obtaining Black parity or liberation
through "Seven Dimensions of Freedom"--spiritual, mental, economic,
etc.--en-route to achieving greater Black dignity and the "beloved
community." © Gyasi A. Foluke, 2001
Gye Nyame
(Ghana) Translation:
No harm can come to us except that which is permitted by Go
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"When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion"
--Kushite Proverb-
your heritage, .... Know your potential"
"Looking Back to Move Forward"
_________"From Ego to We go"
"The balancing of
the land lies in Maat--truth, justice and righteousness"
--The Husia: Sacred Wisdom
of ancient Egypt-___________